Tuesday, August 4, 2015

The Great Comparison

Hey Luves!

This is not one of my normal fashion or health posts, but this is something that's been on my mind a TON lately and I just keep feeling like I should share it with you all.  Something that we as women (and even men!) do on a regular basis is compare ourselves to others.  And we do this ALL the time whether we even realize it or not.  Not only is this detrimental to our own personal mental well-being, but it affects others around us as well.  When we see ourselves in a negative light our discontentment shows on the outside.  It shows in our inability to accept compliments from others with a gracious heart, and it shows in how we look at others and judge them according to OUR personal standards.

Society and the media bombard us with images of what the perfect woman's (men's) body should look like.  Fashion blogs we read show gorgeous ladies that wear clothes we know we could never afford.  Those are just two examples of standards that we get from the world.  Then there's the comparison that we do to other people that we know.  We see our friends going on nice vacations when we can't afford to do so and it creates resentment and attitudes of discontentment.  As a mother I know that moms compare themselves to other moms ALL the time....She's homeschooling her 6 kids so I should do that with mine, or she keeps a super clean home and mine is messy.... and the list goes on and on!

While teaching a photography class at girl's camp a few weeks ago to a group of anywhere from 8-15 year old girls I was struck by how these comparisons start at such an early age.  These girls were the most fun group of ladies to teach for the week.  Each one of them was so beautiful in her own way.  We did a day where I took portraits of each girl and I was amazed at how many of them said "I'm not going to look pretty" or "I'm fat" or "I never look good in any photos".  My assistant Catherine and I saw their beauty radiating from within and we showered each girl with affirmation as we spent time with them.  It was amazing to see the girls start to compliment each other too!  They would Ooo and Ahh over each other's photos as they complimented each other and you could actually see these girls just blossom.  I hope that they each went home knowing how amazing they each were.  Why can't we start complimenting each other every moment that we get?!  It's something I am going to put effort into because it makes a difference if even for a moment.  We don't know each other's inner struggles.... we don't know each other's personal pain.  One compliment can change someone's whole day and help that person to see the good in themselves!

Psalm 139: 13-15 13For You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother's womb. 14I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well. 15My frame was not hidden from You, When I was made in secret, And skillfully wrought in the depths of the earth

Not only did God make me beautiful and amazing but He thought about each and every little detail that makes us.  Each one of us is unique!  There is NO other YOU in this world.  That's an awesome thing to think about.  I've stopped comparing myself to others and started to compare myself to myself.  Because I do want to improve in certain areas and I know that the only real comparison is looking back at myself and seeing that I've made personal progress but yet still LOVING myself even if I haven't.  Each day is a fresh clean slate to achieve the personal goals that you have for yourself.  It's also not a bad thing to find healthy role models- I've found myself some awesome role models in Tone It Up's Karena and Katrina.  They have become my personal trainers and their book 28 days to Fit, Fierce, and Fabulous teaches not only physical health and fitness but it gives you daily mental challenges to view yourself in a great light because let's face it....

I know this post is a little out of my norm but thanks for reading.  I hope that this helps those of you who have the same struggles that I do!  



  1. Right on, Laura. Thanks for sharing! I don't think that we as women can read this too many times. It's always good to keep hearing the truth again and again. :-)

  2. Love this we need more truth in all our lives. Thanks.😊
