About Laura

Photo by Ashley Elizabeth Photography

Hey Y'all!  Thanks for stopping by and checking out Laura's Luves!  I am the woman behind this blog in case you didn't know.  A few random things about me:  I have 2 sweet little boys; I'm married to the actual man of my dreams- didn't think that could happen; I love God, interior design, stilettos, leopard print, neon everything, fashion, Starbucks, thrifting, cooking, statement everything, sour candy, EBay, reading, fitness, and vintage just to name a few.  I started this blog as a way to share all the things I love and to help give some inspiration to all you readers out there.  Whether you are inspired by the fashion I share or the fitness tips- or you want to try a new recipe.  Stop by, get comfortable, and get inspired!  

Have an idea for a post?  Or something that you would like to know more about tips wise?  Or have a fashion trend you want to try and are not sure how to wear in everyday life?  Feel free to shoot me an email at laurasluves@gmail.com.  I would love to hear from you!

If you are a company looking for me to feature your product I would love to hear from you too!- laurasluves@gmail.com

All thoughts and opinions on this blog are my own.