Thursday, December 4, 2014

Green Herb Salad with Hummus

Whoever said clean eating doesn't have to taste delicious was all wrong!  Today I whipped up this salad with a few things that I had on hand from last weeks dinner recipes- and it was GOOD.  Brody actually wouldn't eat what I gave him for lunch because he wanted salad... and that boy rarely eats green stuff unless I hide it in smoothies or come up with other ways to disguise it.

I like to eat hummus with my salads instead of using salad dressing.  It's a healthy delicious alternative and provides protein which keeps you feeling fuller longer.

Green Herb Salad with Hummus
Feeds 1- as shown in photo above


1 large handful of spinach- chopped
1/4 cup fresh dill- minced
1/4 of a large cucumber- cut however you like
1/3 cup fresh parsley- chopped
1/2 avocado sliced
2-3 Tbsp prepared hummus

Make It:

Combine the first 4 ingredients in a large bowl.  Mix well so the dill and parsley stick to the cucumber pieces.  Pour into your salad bowl, garnish with avocado on top.  Serve it with hummus on the side.  Enjoy!

I like to dip my fork into the hummus so each bite gets a little bit of that flavor- and it lasts longer too so you don't eat as much.

Hope ya'll had a wonderful Thanksgiving!  

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