Friday, October 10, 2014

Mad for Plaid

Plaid is one of the prints that to me just screams fall... and I LOVE it!  I've been on the hunt for some cute plaid button down shirts for awhile and lately have been rocking this $3.50 thrifted oversized plaid shirt.  I've also considered wearing one or two of the hubby's plaid button downs since they are exactly what I'm looking for. Pardon my super messy hair- it was one of those low maintenance days for this momma!

I paired my plaid top with dark gray leggings, brown boots, messy hair, layered necklaces, and a few fun rings.

A fun over-exposed shot that I couldn't not share-  I mean look at my eyelashes!

This outfit is so easy to pull together and its super comfortable- which is also a huge plus.  

If you are looking for something similar you can find plaid button down shirts herehere, and here.  My shirt is Mossimo Brand from Target that I thrifted.  The leggings are super old from Wal-Mart, the red necklace was bought at my favorite vintage jewelry store in the Outer Banks, NC, the Moose locket is from Jewelmint called the Moose Bay Pendant- it's on sale currently here, the ring on my middle finger is from the same Outer Banks vintage jewelry store seen in my previous post on vintage jewelry and the other two rings are from Jewelmint- the large opal is from the Covet collection no longer available.  The small ring is also no longer available and I'm not sure what collection it was from.  The boots I bought from Amazon- they are Breckelles Tall Riding Boots and they come in LOADS of colors- and they are super comfortable and well priced.  You can find them here.

Happy Friday!  I'm off to do Insanity and then prepare for a fun girl's movie night with some of my church friends!


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