Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Immune Boosting Green Smoothie

The littles and I just got over a 24 hour stomach bug... Yuck!  I woke up today feeling a lot more like myself and little B told me his belly was feeling good!  W is also acting like his normal self.  I wanted to make sure we all replenished our bodies with lots of vitamins and nutrients this morning so I decided to whip up a green smoothie that is packed with good stuff!  Little B drank his right up and I'm feeling energized since drinking mine.

Immune Boosting Green Smoothie
From: Laura's Luves
Yield: Apx. 28 ounces


1/2 Large Cucumber
3 Small to medium size carrots
1/2 Lime
2 inch piece of ginger
2 stalks celery
2 handfuls spinach
2 small apples- cored
5-6 stalks of fresh parsley
2 tablespoons chia seeds


Using your juicer- juice the following ingredients in this order: Cucumber, carrots, celery, ginger, lime.

Take the juice from the juicer and pour it into your blender.  Add the spinach and blend.  Then add the parsley and blend, then add the apples and blend until smooth.

Pour smoothie into a large glass and stir in the chia seeds.  Let it sit for 2 minutes, then stir and enjoy!

It's very important to not juice every single ingredient.  The veggie/fruit pulp has a lot good stuff in so that's why I did both the juicer and the blender.

Drink up!

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