Monday, September 29, 2014

Homemade Laundry Detergent and Photo Loves

It's Monday which in our house usually means catching up from the weekend's craziness, lots of cleaning, and low key fun.  The boys and I spent last week at the beach with hubby's parents and are trying to get caught up and rested from our long trip.  I did capture the sunrise while we were on our hour long ferry ride from island to mainland and it was stunning!

We are glad to be back home!  One of the things going on vacation means for us is that we always have a TON of laundry to do when we get home.  I've been making/using my own homemade laundry detergent for over 2 years now and I LOVE it!  One batch lasts our family of 4 apx. 6 months or longer.  I addition to the laundry detergent I also use fabric softener just for extra scent!  I like my laundry to smell clean and fresh!

I get the question a lot as to what's my recipe so here it is- try it out... you won't regret that you did!

Homemade Washing Powder

16 cups Baking Soda
12 cups Borax
8 cups grated Castile Soap or Purex Fels-Naptha Laundry Bar Soap
3 Tablespoons of Lavender, Lemon, or Grapefruit Essential Oil

Combine the baking soda, borax, and grated soap in a large container.  Add the essential oil and stir with a whisk to incorporate well.  Use 1/8 cup of powder per load.

I find the best prices for me to get essential oil in bulk is through Amazon - $21.99 gets you a 4 oz bottle of lavendar oil here which would last you for several batches of laundry detergent.

I definitely find myself enjoying doing laundry and love the money that's saved by not having to buy detergent all the time.

Here are a few pictures of my loves-

Little W on our way home from vacation... cannot believe this little one is almost 1!

And the many faces of B-

I will be spending the day with these loves!
