Tuesday, March 31, 2015

10 Easy Clean Eating Snacks

We try to eat as clean as we can in our house because we like the way we feel when we do!  Snacking however is one of those things that can be a struggle since it's so easy to reach for stuff that's processed and unhealthy.  

Here are 10 healthy snack ideas:

1.  Sliced Apples and Peanut Butter (or almond butter... or whatever nut butter of your choice)

2. Greek yogurt with fruit and honey

3. Veggies and hummus

4. Fresh fruit

5. A Piece of toast with peanut butter and sliced banana

6. Chocolate Peanut Butter Smoothie:  To Make this I blend 1 cup of Unsweetened Almond Milk, 1 Banana, 1/4 cup peanut flour, 1 tbsp cocoa powder, and 3 ice cubes... YUM!

7.  Handful of Almonds

8.  Cottage Cheese with fruit

9. Strawberry Banana Lemonade Smoothie: To make this I blend 1 cup water, 1 banana, a small handful of frozen strawberries, and the flesh and juice of half a lemon... YUM!  I also love adding some fresh mint leaves to this when I have some around.

10.  Did I mention fresh fruit??!  This is my favorite because there are literally tons of options out there... right now we are loving tangelos, pineapple, bananas, and berries.

Eating healthy doesn't have to be hard!


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