Thursday, February 26, 2015

Plaid Leopard and Messy Moments

Sometimes being a stay-at-home mommy keeps me so busy that I don't even have time to blog!  We've had a crazy past few days.  My littles keep me on my toes constantly.  Yesterday B said his head was hot and poured a whole cup of water all over himself while sitting on the couch... he wanted to be like Shaun T from Insanity who pours water on his head during his workouts.  If it hadn't been so funny I think I would've been mad.  B also colored all over our sliding glass porch doors with marker... but thankfully it was washable and came off pretty easily.  My OCD self struggles in these little moments.  Inside I so want to be mad but I know that kids need to be kids... and a little mess is OK.  I'm learning to be okay with the mess and the craziness, the toys everywhere, the sticky fingers, the poop in the bathtub... YUP... that happened last night too :)  Thanking God for each and every one of these moments shared with my littles.

Rocking a scarf my mommy knitted me for my upcoming birthday!

This is a fun outfit I put together with 3 different prints... I know it sounds crazy, but it really does work!  This scarf is super warm and lovely colors- and get this... it's only $5.49 with free shipping from Amazon... Plaid Scarf.  The quality is great too!

Earrings are a vacation find from a few years back

Plaid Scarf- Find it here

Alloy Skinny Jeans, Blue Cami: Forever 21, White and Grey Striped Dolman Sweater: Thrifted, Leopard Boots: Victoria's Secret

I love the over-sized sweater look.  And on my body type it works well... so I tend to stick with it.  If you have a certain silhouette that works for you... stick with it!  If it ain't broke don't fix it ;)

All for now,

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