Friday, February 13, 2015

Sweet Potato Chickpea Curry

This has been a favorite recipe in our house lately.  Baby W can put away bowls of this stuff.  It's clean and its DELICIOUS!

Start out by making a batch of brown rice to serve this over.  I usually start my rice before I start this dish so the rice has plenty of time to cook.

Recipe: Sweet Potato Chickpea Curry 


1 small yellow onion (diced)
1 tbsp olive oil
3 cloves garlic
1/2 tsp each- cinnamon, turmeric, cumin, ground coriander, ground cloves
Salt to taste
1 tsp fresh grated ginger
1 red chili (or jalapeno)
1 can (15 oz) diced tomatoes
1 large sweet potato- peeled and diced
1 can (15oz) chickpeas- drained and rinsed
1 can (15 oz) coconut milk
1/2 cup chopped fresh parsley
Brown rice for serving

1.  Start Brown rice- cook according to directions.
2. In a large skillet, heat the oil.  Add onion and cook 3-4 minutes.  Put the dry spices in a small bowl and add a tiny bit of water to moisten them before adding to the hot skillet.  This ensures that the spices don't burn.  Add the garlic, chili, ginger, and spices.  Cook for several minutes- stirring often.
3. Add the chickpeas, tomatoes, coconut milk, and sweet potato.  Stir to mix everything up nicely.
4.  Turn the heat down to a simmer.  Let the curry sit for 20 minutes, then add extra spices (I usually add an extra 1/2 tsp cinnamon, cumin, and turmeric as well as 1/2 tsp salt).  After adding the extra spices stir again and let sit for 30 minutes. 
5.  Just before serving add the chopped parsley.  Serve over rice.  This meal will keep for several days in your fridge!



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